Hair and Nail Care for Everyone


How to prepare your little one for their first salon visit

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Deciding the right first time to bring your little one to the salon can be a tricky. Like many other parts of parenting, the first salon visit can be very unpredictable. These tips will help make this important milestone a little less painful.

  1. They should be able to sit still for at least 90 minutes.

    A general rule of thumb is that if they are not able to sit for the duration of a movie they probably won’t be able to sit for a hair appointment. Even the simplest style can take a little longer with little people so ability to focus for a period of time is a key.

  2. Take down previous hairstyle.

    Our time with them is limited (see above). Taking down braids or twists many times can take just as long as it takes to style hair. Before they come in, remove their previous hairstyle and detangle their hair to the best of your ability.

  3. Schedule their appointment in the morning.

    Mornings tend to work best for hair appointments for little ones. They are fresh, alert, and full. The closer we get to naptime or a mealtime, the more volatile they become.

  4. Bring activities… and snacks.

    Bring activities to keep their attention and some snacks. Limit the sugary snacks if they are sensitive to sugar. There is nothing more challenging than a sugared up child that doesn’t want to sit still.

  5. Photos are always a good idea.

    Be prepared with visuals of how you would like their hair styled. Pinterest and Instagram are great sources of visual inspiration.

We want the salon to be a positive experience for your little one and build a lifetime of hair love.

Melissa Taylor